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Dr. Raleigh Washington addresses the Biblical answers to abortion at New Life Church on September 17, 2022.

Anti Semitism-Jew and Gentile Relationship

A fascinating 15 minute message on Romans 11 and how the Jews need salvation by being re-grafted into the vine. Is the relationship between Jew and gentile important for today? Do Gentile Christians reach out to Jewish brothers and sisters? How will all the branches, Jewish and Gentile, produce fruit? Truly interesting message!

There is a toxic division in the church but doesn’t the church mean Gentiles and Messianic Jews? The toxic divisions need to stop and reconciliation is the only thing that will bring the John 17 unity that we desperately need. When that happens, we will see oneness like we never seen before!

Critical Race Theory

An eight-minute clip of Dr. Raleigh Washington addressing the issue of Critical Race Theory at New Life Church in Connecticut on September 17, 2022.

History and Truth Matter

Should the Church Get Involved in Cultural Issues?

Transgender Confusion

Truth for Millennials

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